Jazz - bass guitar

  1. 1. General objectives of the specialization:

Students acquire professional knowledge and general music literacy, which makes them suitable for performing their professional qualifications.

General tasks of the specialization:
Explain to the student the play mode required for high-end musical expression and professional instrument management, and to make sure that the game modes and the musical concept are coherent; develop the musical abilities of the students, their rhythm sensation, their music, musical memory, creative talent and performances; to develop the ability of thinking, self-directed spiritual control, the need for constant self-cultivation; explain the context of musical instrument and musical performance; describe the main styles of the instrument’s literature; make it receptive to the reception of contemporary music; learn how to play instrumental music , improve the moral characteristics of the students (will, endurance, etc.), aesthetic sense, shape your personality.

  1. Admission requirements
    1. Presentation of scales (major, minor, harmonic and melodic minor) and triads in small and large arpeggiation.
    2. Three popular jazz standards of different tempo and character (ballad, latin, swing, etc.). Playing the melody of the theme according to bass accompaniment and to the original harmonisation. Soloistic improvisation. Piano accompaniment is provided by the department, but the candidate has to bring the notes – transposed for the given key, suitable for piano accompaniment.
    3. Playing blues: in medium tempo, in relatively simple keys. Accompaniment, improvisation as for the usual blues harmonisation is not required.
    4. Playing about 10 jazz standards from memory. Only the accompaniment is required according to the original harmonisation. The repertoire must be presented to the examination panel in the exam material submitted by the candidate.
    5. Playing accompaniments of different characters (swing, 8/8, Latin, jazz-rock, etc.) on the harmony line given at the exam.
    6. Identification of bass notes given with piano accords and played according to functional order by ear.
    7. Stylistic sight reading of simple classical or jazz motives.

3. Breakdown in Semesters of the Course , Control method

  1. semester:

technical exercises (4-5 per semester); playing modes, styles: walking bass, simpler Latin rhythms and sixteenth rock basics; transcriptions: description and play of accompaniments (3 to 4 semesters); repertoire 10 standard accompanimenting; sight- reading from

  1. semester:

technical exercises (4-5 per semester); description and play of transcripts (3 to 4 semesters); repertoire : 10 newer standard accompaniment, possibly a theme playing; developing a sight- reading

  1. semester:

technical exercises (4-5 per semester); jazz patterns, stylistic stylization of motifs, Collecting and analyzing II-V-I motifs; styles: the expansion of learning, Latin, rock, blues; transcripts: 4-5 solo writing , analysis and play of 4-5; repertoire : 10 newer standards

  1. semester:

technical exercises (4-5 per semester); Composition and transposition of II-V-I motifs; Styles: 3/4 or Ballad Form, transcripts: 4-5 solo writing, analysis and play repertoire: 10 more standard; developing a sight- reading

5.-6.  semester: 

exercises (4-5 per semester); harmonious accompaniment of soloists in several styles; transcripts:play and analysis of other instrumental solos; repertoire: repeating up to now 10 additional standards; sight – reading from a sheet: themes, motifs, frazising, blasting

7.-8. semester: 

repertoire: 10 newer standards (accompaniment, theme, solo play), 60 standards; salp playing mode; Instrumental knowledge: playing chords simultaneously, glass tones; sight- reading: combo and bigband, blasting arrangements