
Clarinet admission requirements for IGP studies - BA Studies

  1. Klose: Études Caracteristiques – one etude at the choice of the candidate.
  2. One other etude at the candidate’s choice, from a different book of etudes.
  3. Messager: Solo de Concours – compulsory piece, to be played from memory.
  4. A piece, or a movement of a piece, chosen by the candidate. This should be of a different style from the works of Messager.

Career aptitude test:

The teacher aptitude test is done only in oral form. Consists of two parts:

  1. Talk of the auditioning student career plans attached application has already been prepared by auditioning and selection, based on a letter of motivation for teacher career choices.
  2. Based on a short few lines of text interpretation of a specific educational theme educational situation and express an opinion.

The aptitude test requires no special preparation ( from the literature curriculum )!

  1. During the test the student’s communication skills, personal motivation, awareness of speech and culture committee investigating the entrance exam.

The duration of the test: maximum 15 minutes