
  1. The general and specific objectives of the subject are:

The basic objective of the training is to prepare instrumental music for basic art education. Its aim is to acquire a high level of instrumental art knowledge in possession of which students can participate in pedagogical work as a chamber musician or as a member of a larger musical association in the cultural life of their school and environment.

Under the 8 semesters of the subject, we develop and deepen the previously acquired knowledge – instrument management, formatting and presentation skills, and style knowledge – while the vocal
literature is increasingly being learned by the student.
The technical problems associated with the instrumental playing are sifted technically – such as vocal training, voices, different genres, double strings, race and chord, vibrato – and to compensate for the possible shortcomings, always at the highest level of tone, intonation and rhythm and putting music in service. Meanwhile, we put great emphasis on clear, intelligent formatting, skills in music styles, and memory security development. As students get to a higher level on their instrument and learn more serious repertoire, we take the most important etudes and piece program in primary education, and put them in the exams.
Our goal, therefore, is to provide students with technically demanding solutions, authoritative soundtracks, and later to be able to pass on the tools of implementation to their students as well.

2. Content of the course

2.1 Admission requirements

  1. One scale through 3 octaves, arpeggiated triads of the same key, also through 3 octaves
  2. Compulsory Etude: Hoffmeister: No.4 in D major.
  3. 3. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in C minor + one movement from the Violin Solo Sonatas or Partitas
    ORtwo movements from the Violin Solo Sonatas or Partitas</li]
  4. An outer (first or last) movement of a concerto chosen by the candidate.
  5. skála négy oktávon át hármashangzat felbontásokkal (moderato és presto tempóban) két különböző jellegű etűd (Rode, Gaviniés, Dont)
  6. egy tétel J. S. Bach szólóhegedűre írt szonátáiból vagy partitáiból hegedűverseny saroktétele (Bach és Vivaldi nem lehet)
  7. előadási darab

2.2. Content of the course:

Scale studies, etudes finger and pulling exercises and the development of a harmonious mechanism plays a rich piece of material (concertos, sonatas, performing pieces). Get advanced intonation and rhythmic skills, deepen a safe location, and play skill in quick play. Flexible viola, individual, tone, the use of the vibration for the musical expression, and the use of combinations. A clear, comprehensible shaping of the performed pieces. Deepen the authentic style of music ages. Conscious play of the pedagogical repertoire. It is important to play on the violin, to play the viola’s pedagogical repertoire, as well as to intense practice of playing and playing onviola. Knowledge of the literature of the orchestral excerpts, mental preparation for orchestral play.

  1. Breakdown in Semesters of the Course , Control method

1.-2. semester

Mapping of technical and music tasks, filling gaps, achieving a stable, perspective technical level In the case of capturing with a vial, learning and deepening of the technical specifications of the deep instrument. Creating sigh-reading skills on viola.

Material to be performed over 4 years: Sound studies throughout the study period. Initially, there are a large number of fronts with different technical tasks. Then, with the significant improvement in technical conditions, the balance is shifted quantitatively to performance pieces, concerts, and solo pieces. In 3rd and 4th grade, studying orchestral excerpts, from the 4th semester to the violin pedagogical literature on violin lesson. Material to be performed over 4 years: Sound studies throughout the study period. Initially, there are a large number of fronts with different technical tasks. Then, with the significant improvement in technical conditions, the balance is shifted quantitatively to performance pieces, contests, and solo pieces. In 3rd and 4th grade, studying orchestral positions, from the 4th semester to the violin pedagogical literature on violin lesson.

Control method:
Main course lessons are also used for continuous monitoring. It is important to attend regular concerts (minimum once per semester) and a “common lesson”, which is a professional workshop where students can exchange experiences with each other to learn each other’s productions in an appropriate manner orally.

Semester Term Exam:
At the end of the semesters, the students will give an account of their knowledge before the examination committee. The exam program are played from memory the lessons of the basic course are made from their own notes.

Exam Program:

  1. semester: scales through 4 octave with triple-split resolutions, with double strings, 2 etudes, Bach: 1 movement from the solosonatas, partitas , 1 performing piece pr concerto movement
  2. semester: scales through 4 octave, Bach: 1 movement or 1 etud and 2 Bach movement; 1 concerto movement, performing piece
  3. semester: 3 scales through 3 octave; 3 etudes, 1 concerto movement, performing piece
  4. semester: 3 scales through 3 octave, 2 movements from a preclassical sonata, 1 romanticism concerto, on violin: 3 etudes from Dont op. 38-as books one pulled out and played
  5. semester: each of the 3 octaves major scales one pulled out and played, 2 etudes, Bach movement , 1 movement from the 20th century concert, cantilena piece
  6. szemeszter: az összes 3 oktávos moll skálából 1 tételszerűen kihúzva, Bach vagy más szólódarab, romantikus előadási darab, próbajátékokon szereplő versenymű 1 tétele, hegedűn:Dancla etüdökből 3 darab tételszerűen kihúzva
  7. szemeszter: E laborating the program of the diploma concert
    On Exam: Orchestral excerpts, or on violin etudes from Mazas, 2 pieces from the degree’s program
  8. szemeszter: Final Exam Concert
    A minimum of 30 minutes, with a selection of at least three different musical periods, with a concerto, a solo and a chamber and performing piece.
  1. List of compulsory or recommended literature

Lukács Pál: Fekvésváltó etüdök
J.S.Bach violin solosonatas, partitas, cellosuites, gamba sonatas

G.Ph.Telemann,G.F.Händel, J.Stamitz, J. Ch.Bach , F.A.Hoffmeister
W.A. Mozart: Sinfoniaconcertante
G. Enescu (Konzertstück), W.Walton, Dávid Gyula, Bartók Béla cocnertos

Hummel:Szonáta, Schubert: Arpeggione szonáta, Brahms: Scherzo, Rahmanyinov: Szonáta, Sosztakovics: Szonáta

Performing pieces:
Beethoven: F-dúr románc,
Pieces from the Romanticism: Paganini: Grand viola sonata, R. Schumann: Märchenbilder, Adagio és Allegro,C.M.von Weber: Andante és Rondo, Glazunov: Elégia, M.Bruch: KolNidrei, Romanze,Hubay Jenő:Maggioletta
M. Reger : G-dúr szolószvit
Bartók: I.rapszódia, Kodály: Adagio Hindemith
Balassa Sándor: Üdvözlet Violának